wer sind wir was ist neues marketing weltbild wie arbeiten wir pr/media training event management corporate design management

what are the rules a company has to obey if it wants to adress the public sphere or include representatives of the media in its internal / external marketing?

we have developed a specialized programme an communication training that protects companies against unpleasant surprises with media-representatives. this ensures that public messages are cultivated in accordance with the company's identity and that the right amount of attention is obtained.

for example, voice-speech-motion training. or writing exercises. they take place on week-end sessions and are carried out by journalists / pr-experts / voice trainers / actors who have years of experience in their field.

but we also help in other situations. for example: you are about to start a company and want to be well-prepared when entering the business world?

we offer solutions for problems concerning management. we show ways to solve a crisis with the latest forms of marketing and business in theory and practice. the recent trends concerning image-marketing (how to develop charisma?) are part of this strategy.